
South America - Cycling and Exploring: CYCLING: Falling in love ...

We cycled up and down the beach front for a bit which was clearly still preparing for pending onslaught of porteños (people of the port of Buenos Aires), had a beer or two over lunch in town and then head a little further up the coast. ...READ MORE

Palermo Soho Loft, Buenos Aires, AR - Hotel Reviews - Real Travel

Read reviews and compare prices for Palermo Soho Loft in Buenos Aires. Use the Review Analyzer to quickly understand what Real Travelers from across the web ... READ MORE

Buenos Dias, Buenos Aires! — My Cultivated Life

Silverlight Travel logo ... Buenos Dias, Buenos Aires! — My Cultivated Life. Snacking on sweets with dulce de leche, particularly the brownie version at Chungo People watching and a lunch of empanadas and salad at Chez Cafe Resto in San Telmo Wandering through the stalls at the Feria de San Telmo  READ MORE


Eva Peron’s Corpse « Lisa’s History Room

The streets of Buenos Aires were overflowing with tall stacks of flowers laid in remembrance for the people's beloved Evita. Although she never held an official political office, Eva Peron (1919-1952) was eventually given an official ...click here


Buenos Aires

Well, I thought I wouldn´t do this, but here I am, posting from Buenos Aires. We arrived yesterday (Saturday afternoon), and spent the time doing a little bit of exploring. We´re staying at the Art Hotel, where we just finished a ...click here


Tango Is on Fire

Extra Newspaper - Chicago,IL,USA
"Tango Fire" takes a journey from the red light district of Buenos Aires, to the glamour of the Roaring '20s, into the world of contemporary ballroom dance ...click here


tina’s world - a tanguera between 2 lands…

 . it's about to get a little more tricky. Now we'll have to pay AR $1.10 for a bus ride as well as the Subte. More information here. Rolling my eyes, sighing and counting my coins… Published in Buenos Aires, monedas ...click here


We have left Buenos Aires

We have left Buenos Aires
What a wonderful city Buenos Aires is. It is warm, with unreal nightlife. Every night I was up until at least 3 AM, sometimes later. It is weird because the day starts so much later, you wake up at 11. click here

Tango commuter

if, like me, you watched a lot of dancing in Buenos Aires, you suddenly start to wonder about this strange activity you are looking at. It has characteristics in common with the tango you're used to, but in many ways it is quite ...click here

Carnival Gualeguaychu Argentina

Carnival Gualeguaychu Argentina
Paddy in Buenos Aires. General spiel on everyday life and experiences of an Irish expat moving to Buenos Aires to take some time out in the Argentine Capital and to travel the length and breadth of the country and beyond ...click here

MetrO Mobile: Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires. Two new stations have opened on subway line A in Buenos Aires (Argentina). Posted by Patrice @ 9:46 PM. 0 Comments:. Post a Comment · << Home. Profile. MetrO. We are the authors of MetrO, your PDA and smartphone guide in ...click here


Foster + Partners Green Building in Buenos Aires: The Aleph ...

Foster and Partners The Aleph Green Building Buenos Aires Image English architecture studio Foster + Partners is about to start building a sustainable luxury apartment building in one of Buenos Aires top neighborhoods, Puerto . ...click here


Dakar 2009: Start In Buenos Aires - Volkswagen Drivers 'Ready To Go'

"The first few days at the start in Buenos Aires have given us a taste of the forthcoming Dakar Rally. The fans really are passionately involved, ...click here

Dakar: Coma ready to lead Repsol trio.

"We have been enjoying the delights of a magnificent city, which is what Buenos Aires is; the people, the food, and now we just have to think about the ...click here


Buenos Aires, Argentina « Ohlmann’s Weblog

It was also special because this will be our last excursion with Jim & Linda who have been such great traveling partners. A fabulous way to end a magical day in Buenos Aires, our new favorite city in South America. ...click here


Dinin@Large: Beef, beef and more beef (and more wine than I drink ...

The problem was I couldn't imagine being in Buenos Aires until I was actually here. What with the company I work for filing for bankruptcy protection, the nasty weather and the stomach flu, I was particularly sure I wouldn't be here. ...click here

Hot travel destinations for 2009

With direct flights now available between Australia and Buenos Aires, more of us will soon be tangoing through Argentina. At 3650km from top to tip, ...click here


Pizzeria in San Telmo Reviews | Buenos Aires | Pizzeria in San ...

Pizzeria in San Telmo in Buenos Aires: Find reviews and ratings for the Pizzeria in San Telmo from thousands of real travelers to help research, plan and book your next vacation to Buenos Aires.click here

Shall we dance? Protocol of the tango hall

If you want more than a tourist-friendly tango show, here are three authentic Buenos Aires milongas. Don't plan on arriving before 11 pm Salón Canning: ...click here


Buenos Aires Travel, Public Buses

Take the 12 or 17 buses to go south and see Constitucin whose abundance of painted ladies dressed early for a night-out might astound you prostitutes, it is the busiest Buenos Aires Travel hub and stay on to see the traditional ...click here


Travels with a Gourmet: Buenos Aires Gourmet Discoveries

Having masitas (petits-fours), facturas (croissants and pastries) and sandwiches de miga (crust less white-bread sandwiches) for tea or for any other occasion is a must in Buenos Aires and each one has their own favorite Confiteria or ...click here

Top 10 cities for 2009

Try these ten classic historic destinations, from France to the Ukraine Buenos Aires – The old port district of La Boca will feature a major exhibition of ...click here


More Buenos Aires « Gina’s Travels

More Buenos Aires. After returning from Uruguay Katie and I joined the girls for an amazing dinner in Palermo Hollywood at Miranda. Best steak ever…the bife de chorizo is what Argentina is known for but the lomo (filet) is far superior. ...click here


Travel blog: Buenos Aires' Annual Pillow Fight

I'm in Palermo, Buenos Aires, and have heard on the backpacker grapevine that the city's annual pillow fight is happening at 18:00 on the dot, .click here


Surprising Facts (That You Won’t See In Guidebooks)

While porteños are serious about coffee, you can't buy an electric coffee grinder in Buenos Aires. Cafes are everywhere, offering truly excellent coffee (a combination of the Italian influence and proximity with... click here

Tango in her eyes: One Year and Thirteen Days!

miss tango: Buenos Aires, Argentina: I arrived in Buenos Aires as a Tango Tourist, and now am living the life of an ordinary Porteña. Don´t call me an "Ex-Pat". I am an immigrant! View my complete profile ...click here

Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina: Seeing Evita in Her Homeland | Go ...

To commemorate our last week in Argentina, we headed to Teatro Lola Membrives in Buenos Aires for a performance. Although the play we bought tickets for had a slightly different title, I was secretly hoping to see Andrew Lloyd Weber's ...click here


Buenos Aires—Departures and Arrivals

Five months ago our youngest Becca shipped herself off to Buenos Aires (BA), Argentina, for her junior semester abroad. We said our farewells at the ferry docks at Vineyard Haven on Martha's Vineyard confident that she would make her ...click here

Lodging in Buenos Aires

While nearly everything in Buenos Aires is a bargain to Americans due to the exchange rate, hotels are not. Tourism has seen a huge jump since the country's economic crisis of 2002—for the very reason that everything's so affordable—and ...click here

The Importance of the Pink Dollar

In recent years, Buenos Aires has hosted a gay tourism symposium, a gay football tournament, a gay film festival and the first gay cruise in South American waters; it is now home to a gay hotel, a gay bookstore, and a network of stores ...click here

we cannot pronounce buenos aires

 we cannot pronounce buenos aires i started a travel blog today! for those who've missed the boat, my friend robocop and i are travelling in south america between february and august next year. so i made a joint blog for us to use, click here...


Last Hours in Buenos Aires

I don´t think I´ve done Buenos Aires right. There´s been parties in the old plaza outside our hotel all night for the past few nights. The city here only really comes to life after 1 am. The people I´ve met, or traveled with, ...click here

Nothing Is Forever

I am continuing life here in Buenos Aires with the goals of finding a cheaper apartment, a job, new friends, and basically just living life financially independent for another 6 months. It's going to be tough without a large, ...click here


Hmm, Buenos Aires?

I was just roaming around the web, and I came to a story about the potential of Buenos Aires becoming a real haven for the gays (Rio watch out). I have to admit that I've always wanted to visit Argentina, including Buenos Aires. ...click here

What’sa Typical Argentine Breakfast?

We went La Puerto Rico, a famous Buenos Aires cafe that's been around since 1887 and is just a block away from the president's offices (Casa Rosada). The medialunas were amazing — soft and fresh with just a hint of sweetness. ...click here


Top Outdoor Activities in Buenos Aires

If you're planning a trip to Buenos Aires during Argentina's spring or summer, make the most of the warm weather with this list of fun outdoor activities... click here


Gay tourism leaves Buenos Aires awash in 'pink dollars ...

They aren't the first to notice: a year ago, The New York Times published a similar piece highlighting the opening of the Axel Hotel, a posh "heterofriendly" hotel in the San Telmo district of Buenos Aires. In 2008, Buenos Aires was ...click here

A Great Trip to Buenos Aires

Though glad to be back in the cold (yes really) I am grateful to have had the opportunity to go, to see both 'farm polo' and Cambiaso play, and gained significant insight in further crafting the Argentinean characters and locations in ...click here

Madonna blows a million on just one hotel

... team in the luxury Four Seasons resort in Buenos Aires. The leotard queen, 50, pampered herself to a £6000 private mansion within the hotel's grounds, ...click here

Leaving Mi Querido Buenos Aires

You can read about what is going on in the world online or in a textbook…or you can hear about it 1st hand from a young, Bolivian law student over an authentic Italian-made meal on a roof-top terrace in Buenos Aires! ...click here


Back to Buenos Aires

Deby is promising us the world, she is going to show us where the locals go for shoes, food, vino and fun! It is going to be great to see what BA has to offer when you are not follow the touristy way of tango, but really digging in to ...click here

Travel Dish: La Vineria de Gualterio Bolivar (Buenos Aires)

This is the last in my series of reports chronicling my eating adventures in Buenos Aires this past October. And this final post is a doozey, so pull up a chair and pour yourself a glass of wine (preferably Malbec) and enjoy the ...click here


Gay Tango a hit in Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires has become a very popular destination for gay travelers. According to Hector Aguilar, an architectural historian who gives lectures for Lugar Gay, "It now rivals Rio as the gay destination in South America. ...click here

Travel blog: Meat Me Buenos Aires

This is his first blog: If you are a Vegetarian, I suggest you avert your eyes, because Buenos Aires is a meat lover's paradise. I do love red meat. ...click here

Travel Dish: 647 Dinner Club (Buenos Aires)

Buenos Aires is the birthplace of the tango, and in recent years the tango (once seen as the dance of the lower class) has experienced a resurgence. So when in town, you have to visit a tango class or watch a tango show. ...click here


Madonna & Kids Visit Buenos Aires, Argentina

The A-Rodless Madonna was spotted out and about in Buenos Aires, Argentina this weekend enjoying a nice dinner with friends (including manager Guy Oseary) at El Clan restaurant. Maddy brings her Sticky & Sweet World Tour to Argentina ...click here

Hundreds Of Tango Dancers Take To Streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina

Hundreds Of Tango Dancers Take To Streets of Buenos Aires, Argentina
BUENOS AIRES -- Argentine and foreign tourists took part in the Gran Milonga Nacional, a tango festival that featured bands, singers and dancers performing ...click here

Buenos Aires – Adventures with My Born-Again Homeless People ...

So when I arrived the Friday before Thanksgiving at the very modern and hip Hotel De Diseno in Buenos Aires' stylish Recoleta neighborhood, our little vagabonds, five weeks into their trip and having recently spent 10 days on the ...click here


Buenos Aires - Here we come!

Here are some of the things I plan to do whilst in Buenos Aires:. Check out Palermo (markets & area) and Recoleta (markets & area); High Tea at Hotel Alvear (maybe on the 8th of December, which is hubby's b'day, what better place to ...click here

Buenos Aires journal: beers of Argentina

a review of El Cervelar, a place to eat in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Cervelera is a great place to try all the beers of Argentina! They are a beer store and a bar in one! click here